Friday, June 29, 2007

Choo choo part two

I took the train again today. Have no fear, I won't post every time I ride...just this first week...and of course if anything interesting happens.
The walking today was MUCH better aside from the fact that I had cramps. The crazy weather was much cooler. I think the high was no more than about 72 or so. I was wearing a hoodie during my commutes to and fro.
I spent time knittng Radar's newest dog sweater while riding. He can't stand wearing them, but if he doesn't want frozen nether-regions this winter, he has no choice.
My parents are going to Michigan to see my sister on Monday. I'll be driving up there (or is it over there?) on the 4th & returning on the 5th. The Neill's don't get together all at once very often so it should be fun. If there aren't fireworks in the sky, you can just give the Neill's a few cocktails & they'll make some fireworks of their own!

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