Monday, June 4, 2007

Culture Shock

Well after 3 full days here the reality of this move is setting in. Glenn & I spent the last few days working our tails off to get as much of this place in order as possible. I can't believe how much he got done for me in such a short time. He's quite the handyman which I know every inch of his body is feeling today...I personally feel like someone has beaten me up.

Here are a few observations I've already taken in...
1) Traffic here bones about it. I took Glenn to the airport this morning in the rain, big fun.
2) Diversity is putting it mildly...I live close to little Mexico, a few blocks away is little Israel, the a few blocks more is little India. I can get a taco, a kosher pastry, or a Bollywood feature film all within a few miles of home.
3) It's kind of nice having window A/C units. Much easier to control than central air in my opinion. Actually, all of my windows open which is a major change from my Dallas home. Quite shocking since I'm sure this building is at least 80-90 years old and my old place was only 50 years old and all of those windows had been painted shut. Right now I have a few open windows & no A/C going. I'm listening to the rain.
4) Moving a 10+ year old dog 3 times in a matter of weeks AND driving 17 hours across the country isn't such a good idea. I'm not really sure who's in more shock at this point about what we've done...myself or Radar. He just ate a bite of my PBJ so I at least know he's feeling a little better.

Scattered in Chicago

1 comment:

Roger said...

MMMMMMM. Kosher hot dogs! Pizza? Where's the pizza? What are you living in Al Capone's vault? So many damn keys just to take Radar out for a walk!!