Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I got my boots, now Radar on the other paw...

...holy moley...
Okay so we got about 6" of snow last night. Awesome. I took the train to work because my car was in the shop & bundled up enough for the walk in...coming home was a bit colder. To say the least...
I've been surfing the web for dog boots. I guess I didn't realize how fast I'd need them. Poor little dog....when I took him for his walk tonight, I didn't realize how quickly his little paws would get cold. It took all of about 5 minutes for him to start limping...I feel like the most horrible mom. Plus, everywhere he would do "number 2" is covered with 2 feet of snow! There's no bare grass anywhere! So as it stands now, he's not interested so he's inside again for the night...I guess we'll try again in the morning. Right now we have to have a damp washcloth ready when we come in to wipe the salt off of his paws...if you didn't know, Radar H-A-T-E-S having his paws touched. I'm hoping to leave work early enough tomorrow so I can go to the pet store around the corner with him so he can try on some Muttluks boots....he'll be more stylin' than me...but then again what's new?'s going to be a low temp of 9 degrees THAT would be new to me.

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