Sunday, December 9, 2007

Can it get any better than this?

Okay, so I finally decided to trek to the basement & get the Christmas stuff out. I have found that while decorating your Christmas tree alone is pretty depressing, but there's nothing that tops it off like listening to the random holiday playlist on your Ipod and hearing Robert Goulet singing Christmas carols. Now you may wonder, "why the hell do you have that on your Ipod?". Well it was purchased some years ago for the kitch factor & it's always one that has made me laugh & gag at the same time... Today I realized how damn depressing his voice really is. Here is some holiday cheer...
Wow, the holiday season is hitting an all time low...I think I'll go cheer myself up with a Cape's red and holiday festive right????

1 comment:

Rasquachi said...

2 things:

1. The whole ChaChi fan club thing is funny to me, because I have a line in a movie (which you will see sometime... talk about kitsch! It's so bad it's almost good) that mentions a Scott Baio fanclub.

2. I would have decorated your tree with you!