Sunday, September 16, 2007

Holy Craft Fair Batman!!!!

I went to the Renegade Craft Fair yesterday....I can't even believe how much money I could have spent! It was like every indie crafter & artist who advertises in BUST magazine or Ready Made (who was a sponsor) was at this fair. I think I was there 3 1/2 hours.

The above photo is the funniest damn t-shirt I saw...and there were a lot. Had to have it.

I also saw at least a half dozen people selling hand made/hand spun yarn. After much looking I bought the yummiest one I came across. I don't know exactly what I'm going to make with this yet, but it may very well be a pair of knee high socks. My mind is still brewing on this one. One thing I have learned about myself....yarn is like a drug and I am an addict.
Nevertheless, so far this is in the top 5 of my "stuff I've done since I've lived in Chicago" may even be in the top 2. Hmmm...I'll save my list for another posting.
I ran around today running errands...I put a half tank of gas in my car as I don't drive for the most part Mon-Fri. My car sat nicely in it's parking spot from last Sunday until yesterday...I almost feel evil bragging about it :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that must have been some fair. Glad you had such a great time......puff.

Anonymous said...

Your color combination in this skank of yard is exactly like one of Brian's Polo shirts he worn some time ago.
Hope all is well with both you and Radar. Radar might be "home sick" and would like to come back to Texas.
Love, Dad

Rasquachi said...

that skein reminds me of froot loops.

what a shirt! it's so you.

Anonymous said...