Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hi there...I'm feeling overwhelmed so I'm going to share it! I posted a while back about "when the waves in life get to big, learn to surf". I've been surfing some little waves for a while now but the big kahuna is taking over...
I love this city...hands down. I love all of the friends I've made (and the ones I've left too) hands down. I love my new job, I love taking the train to work, I love walking Radar 3-4 times a day, I love exploring, I love stitch n' bitch and the fact that I've accepted my knitting & yarn addiction.
But I've realized that while change is great, change can sometimes come with consequence. Once again, let me re-iterate that I have no regrets about my move...but there were consequences of moving and I feel like now I'm beginning to face them head on.
It's funny how life start out young, have someone make choices for you, teach you things, then send you out hoping they've done the best job that they could have (and they did...thanks!)...then you have to turn into some sort of adult-like person and hope you make the right decisions.
First off, I still have yet to consider myself an adult. I like being a little immature each day and I feel as though I'm fortunate enough that with this move, and my new job, I surround myself with people who are just like me.... creative and immature :)
Second, making the right decision is a crap shoot...hands down (my new favorite saying since this entry). You start out in a situation in one mind frame, then life rolls along and you wake up saying, "what the hell?".
Not to get all preachy but I feel very fortunate that I have a good relationship with God and I ask for a lot and feel like I get a lot in return. If it weren't for Him, I wouldn't be here today (and that's a loaded statement).
I know this is rambly but that's how I feel.....I guess for anyone chosing to read this, here is my unsolicited your life to the fullest, cherish each day that is given to you and treat people the way you want to be treated. Give back to others when you can and be a nice person overall. Think hard about the decisions you make in life and how they affect others. Pray for what you want and what you have....hard. Take the time to thank those who give to you. Don't take your close friends or family for granted and help them when they need you just like you would help them when they need it in return.
Most of all remember life is very, very short...treat it with the utmost respect.
Nighty night


Robert said...

Sweetie, what's with all this deep thinking? Yes, you've made some major life changes in 2007, but trust that your choices are good ones for you. You're a smart and incredible individual! And you've got way more people who care about you than you realize!

Anonymous said...

Hey you, now you just cut that out. Look at what you've done. Basically turned your life(world) upside down. The job, the move...everything. That was huge. I so admire you for finding the strength to pull that off. I echo Roberts sentiments in saying that you have far far so many people that absolutely love and care about you and the decisions you make. So enjoy it...this "your" time.......puff.