Thursday, July 5, 2007 be or not to be...that is the question

I just spent the last 24 hours in Michigan/the car for the 4th of July surrounded by about 13 other people...(12 1/2 if you consider that one of the humans was only about a week old).
As I'm sitting here at home once again, I'm pondering my big move decision. I absolutely love the city, but I'm ready to find some friends. Not that I want to force it like you did in jr. high school by bribing people or buying gifts for those who really weren't your friends, but the kind you stumble on accidentally and they become your friends for life.
I have to take into consideration that I've only been here a month. There are one or two people at work I would socialize with if they weren't so flippin' far away.
I made my bold move to go to Stitch N' Bitch twice a month which is great...but like I said, it's only twice a's a start I guess.
Now I'm debating things like volunteering, church, finding another class to take, etc...I just got a flyer for a place around the corner that has yoga, tai chi, and belly dancing classes...
Mmmmmm....shaking my little jigglypouf belly around in circles...niiiiccceeee....I suppose that's one way to drop a lb. or two....

1 comment:

Rasquachi said...

you can call me, dumbass...

(maybe you don't like me that much!)
