Saturday, July 14, 2007

Knitta please....

Hey all...
I went to a knitting store that my friend Sarah works at...she organizes our stitch n' bitch meetings. There was a guy there named Franklin doing a photography project called "1000 knitters". He's photographing 1000 knitters for a book, gallery project, web log, etc... I had to sign a disclaimer, sit & knit the piece he had there, and simply chat with him for a few minutes while he took my was pretty cool. I'll let you know when I'm a star in a coffee table book!!!
I'm really itching to get back into my knitting. I just bid on some needles on Ebay, and now that I kind of know what my next 2 projects are going to be, I'm heading back to Ebay for what I hope is some discounted yarn.
For those of you who don't know this, knitting isn't really a less expensive substitute for purchasing clothes....that is unless you're one of those really crafty "diggers" who lucks upon yarn at thrift stores, estate sales, etc... Yarn ain't cheap. It's really all about the hobby and the enjoyment of it....unless of course you suck at it...then it's not so enjoyable :)
Radar went for his first nail trim in the big city. I found him this great place called the Bark Bark Club. Love it. He was stylin' walking down the city streets...he's too cool for his own good...then again, anyone who knows Radar already knows this.

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