Saturday, March 22, 2008

Bloody Hell....

Okay so it's March 22nd and we are covered in snow yet AGAIN!!! We had about 5 inches of snow (I'm guessing) yesterday and a bit more last night. It's supposed to be spring break in my mind!!! Oh well, I wanted to move somewhere that had seasons & I got it! I just wish winter wasn't lasting QUITE so long. I was about to throw my snow boots away because I think the left one has a leak in it! Guess it's a good thing I didn't.... now to trudged downtown on the El with my cold, wet foot... bummer.


Mark Hufford said...

Wow! Looks a whee bit chilly there girl.
Glad it is you and not me with the snow! I've been gardening and things are blooming all over the place.

Rasquachi said...

It was eighty degrees in Phoenix... at the Hilton...