Friday, September 18, 2009

Workin' 9-5... well not really

After a week of not working, I've decided that I'm meant for the job market. I am SO ready to teach!!! I did a few hours at the "office" today which was a nice change from sitting 'round the apartment watching the dog & the cat try to get along.

Aside from that all is well. I learned that I am almost as smart as a 3rd & 4th grader based upon my help with this weeks homework...and I've also learned not only from this experience but from the frustrations of my other friends that 4th grade is apparently one big bitch all the way 'round. These kids are CRAMMED full of hours upon hours of homework. No down time whatsoever.

When do they find time to enjoy Space Invaders? Galaga? Going to Six Flags & eating Pop Rocks with Coke?

...a 10 year old should NOT, I repeat should NOT have digestive problems....

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