Saturday, June 27, 2009


..."it's easy at 1-2-3".... and now I say R-I-P???

While I have always loved Michael Jackson's music, I must admit that his ever-changing looks and behavior over the past few decades has made me say "what the hell" more than once. At the same time I have always felt sorry for him for feeling the need to continue to change his appearance over and over and over again. While my senses tell me that he was happy with success, it also tells me that it was unhappy with the same.
For some odd reason, within the past 6 months or so, I saw something about MJ and thought to myself, I wonder if he will live a full life? Will he live to be an 80 year old man?...or will he die an early death as the few icons of his statute have?.... strange... question answered.
I drank a beer and listened to my Off The Wall album the night of his death... and yes, it was an album, on vinyl, on my turntable.
I am deeply a child of the 80's & remember vividly sitting at Francesca Sabara's house watching the Worldwide Premier of Thriller....and stunned at how amazing it was for it's time.
My heart goes out to the family and I hope that they are able to be left in peace as much as humanly possible at this difficult time.
R.I.P. and thanks for the music

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