...any normal person raised in the 80's knows that movie quote... if you don't then you were dead.
I have decided after being depressed that I finally realize that I am in charge of my own happiness & destiny. Not like I didn't realize that before, but I think I banked on how others made me feel a little too much.
I've recently had some epiphany's about my life...
I am a far better person than I used to think I was.
I am much more intelligent than I tend to give myself credit for.
I'm pretty fucking funny.
I'm kinda hot.
I have nice boobs.
I'm not going to let anyone else make me feel shitty. I can do that all on my own.
If I want to be happy, then "Poof!" I'll be happy...
I like to laugh out loud even if it makes other people look at me.
I am perpetually 12 years old and have no problem with it whatsoever... it's truly who I am.
I'm not going to hide behind something I am not.
I like tattoos and want more of them.
I must have a more creative job within the next 12-15 months.
I am talented and creative.
I am pretty cool to be around.
Okay not to sound to much like a pompous ass.... oh, too late maybe???
Sorry, I just call it like I see it...